//绑定查询框,bindTable需要绑定的table,copy的对象,需要查询的表 function bindQueryInput(copyFromTr,queryTable,trOnly){ var trStr = ""; var totalTr = ""; $(copyFromTr).find("label,input,select").each( function (){ var widthStr = $(this).attr("width"); if($(this).attr("type") && $(this).attr("type") == 'checkbox'){ trStr=trStr+" "; totalTr = totalTr + "合计"; }else{ if($(this).attr("unUseOrder")!="Y"){ var tdStr = "" var totalTd = ""; trStr=trStr+tdStr; totalTr = totalTr+totalTd; } } } ); trStr=trStr+""; totalTr=totalTr+""; $("#"+queryTable).find("tr:first").before(trStr); // $("#"+queryTable).find("tr:last").append(totalTr); } function bindQueryInput_(copyFromTr,queryTable,trOnly){ var trStr = ""; var totalTr = ""; $(copyFromTr).find("label,input").each( function (){ var widthStr = $(this).attr("width"); if($(this).attr("type") && $(this).attr("type") == 'checkbox'){ trStr=trStr+" "; totalTr = totalTr + "合计"; }else{ if($(this).attr("unUseOrder")!="Y"){ var tdStr = "" var totalTd = ""; trStr=trStr+tdStr; totalTr = totalTr+totalTd; } } } ); trStr=trStr+""; totalTr=totalTr+""; $("#"+queryTable).find("tr:first").before(trStr); } function doBindQueryInput_(obj,evt){ var queryTable = $(obj).attr("queryTable"); var trOnly = $(obj).attr("trOnly"); evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? window.event : ""); var keyCode = evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : (evt.which ? evt.which : evt.charCode); if(keyCode==13){ $("#"+queryTable).find("tr").each( function (){ if($(this).attr(trOnly)){ $(this).css("display",""); } } ); $(obj).parent().parent().find("input").each( function (){ if($(this).val()){ var inputValue = $(this).val(); var attrName = ($(this).attr("name")).replace("tablesearch_",""); $("#"+queryTable).find("tr").each( function (){ if($(this).css("display") != "none"){ if($(this).attr(trOnly)){ $(this).find("label[name="+attrName+"]").each( function (){ if($(this).text().indexOf(inputValue) >= 0){ $(this).parent().parent().css("display",""); }else{ $(this).parent().parent().css("display","none"); } } ); } } } ); } } ); } } // 公共信息变更函数 function contentChange(contentChangeList, _this) { try { if (!$.isArray(contentChangeList) || !_this) { return; 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}; function isJQuery(v) { return typeof v.jquery != 'undefined'; } // bind jQueryDatepicker to function initDatePicker(selector) { if (!isJQuery(selector || {})) { return; } $.loadJQueryDatepickerWidegt(); selector.each(function() { // alert(this.outerHTML); _this = $(this); $(this).datepicker({ showDateFormater : true, changeMonth : true, // 设置可选 mouth changeYear : true, // 设置可选 year showButtonPanel : true, // 显示 下方 今天、关闭 button // numberOfMonths: 3, // 同时显示3列datepicker showOn : '', // 取消 自动 show duration : 0 // 取消动态效果 }); $(this).next(".time_img").click(function() { try { // alert($(this).prev(".hasDatepicker").get(0).outerHTML); $(this).prev(".hasDatepicker").datepicker('show'); } catch (e) { // it is not a datepicker } }); }) } (function($) { $.fn.getFormValue = function() { var o = {}; $(this).find('input,select,textarea').each(function() { if ($(this).attr("name") != "") { if ($(this).val() || $(this).val() == 0) { if ($(this).val() == "") { if(typeof($(this).attr("editType")) != 'undefined' && $(this).attr("editType").toUpperCase() == "CKEDITOR") { o[$(this).attr("name")] = CKEDITOR.instances[$(this).attr("name")].getData(); 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var value = $(".combo-value[name="+field+"]").val(); o[field] = value; }else if( $(this).attr("type")=="checkbox" ){//复选框 var field = $(this).attr("name"); var value = $(this).val(); if( this.checked ) { o[field] = ( value=="on" ? 1:value ); }else{ o[field] = 0; } }else if( $(this).attr("type")=="radio" ){//单选框 var field = $(this).attr("name"); var value = $(this).val(); if( this.checked ) { o[field] = ( value=="on" ? 1:value ); }else{ o[field] = 0; } } else{ //解决IE8下 时间控件的值为"NULL"的问题 if ("null" == $(this).val()) { o[$(this).attr("name")] = null; } else { o[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).attr("hiddenValue") || $.trim($(this).val()); } } } } } } }); return o; }; $.fn.fillForm = function( data ) { $(this).form("load", data); $(this).find('input').each(function() { if ($(this).attr("name") != "") { var name = $(this).attr("name") ; if( $(this).attr("type")=="checkbox" || $(this).attr("type")=="radio" ){//复选框 var value = $(this).val(); if( ( value == data[name] || data[name] ==1) && data[name] !=0 ){ this.checked = true; } } } }); $(this).find("input[myType='easyui-combobox']").each(function(i){ var a = this; var comboname = $(a).attr("comboname"); if (comboname != "") { var lastSub = comboname.substring(comboname.length-2,comboname.length); var textName = ""; if ("Id" == lastSub) { textName = comboname.replace("Id","Name"); } else { textName = comboname + "Name"; } if (!data[textName]) { data[textName]=data[comboname]; } $(a).combobox('setValue',data[comboname]); if ($(a).combobox('getText') == $(a).combobox('getValue')) { $(a).combobox('setText',data[textName]); } } }); $(this).find("input[myType='easyui-combogrid']").each(function(i){ var a = this; var comboname = $(a).attr("comboname"); if (comboname != "") { var lastSub = comboname.substring(comboname.length-2,comboname.length); var textName = ""; if ("Id" == lastSub) { textName = comboname.replace("Id","Name"); } else { textName = comboname + "Name"; } if (!data[textName]) { data[textName]=data[comboname]; } var opts = $(a).combogrid('options'); var ele = {}; ele[opts.idField] = data[comboname]; ele[opts.textField] = data[textName]; // $(a).combogrid('grid').datagrid({data:[ele]}); $(a).combogrid('setValue',data[comboname]); if (!$(a).combogrid('getText')) { $(a).combogrid('setText',data[textName]); } //$(".combo-value[name="+comboname+"]").val(data[comboname]); } }); }; $.fn.disabledContentFeild = function(fields) { $(this).find('input,select,textarea').each( function() { var isDisabled = true; if (fields == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", true); } else if (fields[0] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", true); } else if (fields.contains($(this).attr("name")) || fields.contains($(this).attr("nativeChangeField"))) { $(this).attr("disabled", true); } else { isDisabled = false; } if (isDisabled && $(this).hasClass("hasDatepicker")) { $(this).next(".time_img").unbind("click"); } if (isDisabled && $(this).attr("editType") == "comment") { //$(this).next(".commentClass").css("display", 'none'); $(this).next(".commentClass").attr("disabled", true); 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$(this).get(0).options.add(op); $(this).val(''); } var dictionaryList = dictionary[$(this).attr("name")]; for (var i = 0; i < dictionaryList.length; i++) { var op = new Option(dictionaryList[i]['dictionaryName'],dictionaryList[i]['dictionaryId']); $(this).get(0).options.add(op); } // 扩展defaultValue属性 if($(this).attr("defaultValue")) { $(this).val($(this).attr("defaultValue")); } } } } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "date" || $(this).attr("editType") == "dateTime") { $(this).nextAll('.hh').attr("maxLength",2); $(this).nextAll('.mm').attr("maxLength",2); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "comment") { if ($(this).nextAll(".commentClass").length == 0) { $(this).after(""); var _field = $(this).attr("id"); $(this).nextAll(".commentClass").click(function() { addCommentDetail(_field);}); $(this).attr("readonly",true); } } else if ($(this).attr("editType").toLowerCase() == "signedint") { $(this).bindSignedIntKeyDown(); } else if ($(this).attr("editType").toLowerCase() == "signedfloat") { $(this).bindSignedDecimalKeyDown(); } } if($(this).attr("maxLength") == 'undefined' && $(this).attr("tagName").toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA") { $(this).attr("maxLength",65534); } }); } // 校验和取得日期控件的值 function generatDateTimeFromInput(object, fileds, tag) { var isOk = true; for (var i = 0; i < fileds.length; i++) { var fieldName = fileds[i]; if (object[fieldName] != "" && object[fieldName] != undefined && object[fieldName] != null) { var dateFormat = /^(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2}) ([01]{0,1}[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5]{0,1}[0-9]):(\d{2})$/; var _this = $(tag).find("input[name='" + fieldName + "']"); $(_this).each(function() { var hh = $(this).nextAll('.hh').val(); var mm = $(this).nextAll('.mm').val(); var ss = "00"; if (hh == null || hh == "") { hh = "00"; } if (mm == null || mm == "") { mm = "00"; } object[fieldName] = object[fieldName] + " " + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss; if (!dateFormat.test(object[fieldName])) { commonErrorPrompt($(this).attr("promptName")==undefined?"必填项":$(this).attr("promptName") + "日期格式不正确"); _this.focus(); isOk = false; } }); } } return isOk; } /** * 验证表单数据 * @param {} _scope 查找域 * @return {} */ function validateValue(_scope) { var result = true; $(_scope).each(function() { if (result) { var _thisObject=$(this); if($(this).attr("editType")){ var t_editType = $(this).attr("editType").toLowerCase(); if(t_editType=='int'||t_editType=='float'||t_editType=='signedint'||t_editType=='signedfloat'){ if($(this).val()){ if(isNaN($(this).val())){ result = false; _thisObject.focus(); commonErrorPrompt($(this).attr("promptName") + "数值类型不正确"); return; } if (typeof($(this).attr("maxValue")) == 'undefined') { $(this).attr("maxValue","999999999"); } if (typeof($(this).attr("minValue")) == 'undefined') { $(this).attr("minValue","-999999999"); } } } if(t_editType=='simplecheckbox'){ if ($(this).attr("notBlank") && !$(this).attr("checked")) { result = false; commonErrorPrompt(($(this).attr("promptName")==undefined?"必填项":$(this).attr("promptName")) + "不能为空"); return _thisObject.focus(); } } } if ($(this).attr("notBlank")) { if (typeof($(this).val()) == 'undefined' || $(this).val() == null || $(this).val().trim() == "") { result = false; commonErrorPrompt(($(this).attr("promptName")==undefined?"必填项":$(this).attr("promptName")) + "不能为空"); return _thisObject.focus(); } } if ($(this).val() != null && $(this).val() != "null" ) { if ($(this).attr("minValue")) { if ($(this).val() != "") { if (!isNaN($(this).attr("minValue") && !isNaN($(this).val()))) { if (parseFloat($(this).attr("minValue")) > parseFloat($(this).val())) { //alert($(this).val()); result = false; _thisObject.focus(); commonErrorPrompt($(this).attr("promptName") + "不能小于" + $(this).attr("minValue")); return; } } } } if ($(this).attr("maxValue")) { if ($(this).val() != "") { if (!isNaN($(this).attr("maxValue") && !isNaN($(this).val()))) { if (parseFloat($(this).attr("maxValue")) < parseFloat($(this).val())) { result = false; _thisObject.focus(); commonErrorPrompt($(this).attr("promptName") + "不能大于" + $(this).attr("maxValue")); return; } } } } if ($(this).attr("maxLength")&&$(this).attr("maxLength")<65535) { if ($(this).val() != "") { if ($(this).val().length > $(this).attr("maxLength")) { result = false; _thisObject.focus(); commonErrorPrompt($(this).attr("promptName") + "长度不能大于"+ $(this).attr("maxLength")); return; } } }else{ if ($(this).val() != "") { if ($(this).val().length > 30 && $(this).attr("editType")!="suggestBox") { result = false; _thisObject.focus(); commonErrorPrompt($(this).attr("promptName") + "长度不能大于"+ 30); return; } } } if ($(this).attr("regularExpression")) { if ($(this).val() != "") { var target = $(this).val(); if (!$.jquery_Utils_FormVTypes[$(this).attr("regularExpression")](target,this)) { result = false; commonErrorPrompt($.i18n('adageCommonAllJS',$(this).attr("regularExpression")+ "Text")); return _thisObject.focus(); }; } } } } }); return result; } /** * 勾选表格 * @param {} _this * @param {} objStr */ function checkAllForTable(_this, objStr) { var isChecked = false; if (_this.checked) { isChecked = true; } var checkboxs = document.getElementsByName(objStr); for (var i = 0; i < checkboxs.length; i++) { checkboxs[i].checked = isChecked; } } /** * 获取表单内的数值 * @param {} _this * @return {} */ function getFormValue(_this) { var o = {}; $(_this).each(function() { if ($(this).attr("name") != "") { if ($(this).val() || $(this).val() == 0) { if ($(this).val() == "") { if(typeof($(this).attr("editType")) != 'undefined' && $(this).attr("editType").toUpperCase() == "CKEDITOR") { o[$(this).attr("name")] = CKEDITOR.instances[$(this).attr("name")].getData(); }else { o[$(this).attr("name")] = null; } } else { if ($(this).attr("editType") == "suggestBox") { o[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).attr("hiddenValue"); o[$(this).attr("name") + "_name"] = $(this).val(); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "simpleCheckbox") { if ($(this).attr("checked")) { o[$(this).attr("name")] = 1; } else { o[$(this).attr("name")] = 0; } } else if(typeof($(this).attr("editType")) != 'undefined' && $(this).attr("editType").toUpperCase() == "CKEDITOR") { o[$(this).attr("name")] = CKEDITOR.instances[$(this).attr("name")].getData(); }else { o[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).attr("hiddenValue") || $(this).val().trim(); } } } } }); return o; } // 获得日期类型的控件 function getDateTimeFields(_this) { var returnArray = []; var inputArray = $(_this).find("input[editType=dateTime],input[editType=date]"); $(inputArray).each(function() { if ($(this).attr("name")) { returnArray.push($(this).attr("name")); } }); return returnArray; } // 处理时间填充 function fillFieldWithDateTime(_this, dateValue) { var dateArray = dateValue.split(" "); $(_this).val(dateArray[0]); var hhMMArray = dateArray[1].split(":"); $(_this).nextAll('.hh').val(hhMMArray[0]); $(_this).nextAll('.mm').val(hhMMArray[1]); } // 处理时间填充 function fillFieldWithDate(_this, dateValue) { var dateArray = dateValue.split(" "); $(_this).val(dateArray[0]); } // 根据组件类型来进行赋值 function fillingData(_this, information) { $(_this).find('input,select,textarea').each(function() { if (information[$(this).attr("name")] || information[$(this).attr("name")] == 0) { if ($(this).attr("editType") == "suggestBox") { $(this).attr("hiddenValue", information[$(this).attr("name")]); $(this).val(information[$(this).attr("name") + "_name"]); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "dateTime") { fillFieldWithDateTime(this, information[$(this).attr("name")]); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "date") { fillFieldWithDate(this, information[$(this).attr("name")]); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "simpleCheckbox") { if (information[$(this).attr("name")] == 1 || information[$(this).attr("name")] == "1") { $(this).attr("checked", true); } else { $(this).attr("checked", false); } } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "my97Date") { if($(this).attr("dateFmt") == "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") { var strTime = information[$(this).attr("name")]; var datTime = new Date(Date.parse(strTime.replace(/-/g, "/"))); var mon = datTime.getMonth().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+(datTime.getMonth()+1).toString():(datTime.getMonth()+1).toString(); var d = datTime.getDate().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getDate().toString():datTime.getDate().toString(); var h = datTime.getHours().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getHours().toString():datTime.getHours().toString(); var m = datTime.getMinutes().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getMinutes().toString():datTime.getMinutes().toString(); var s = datTime.getSeconds().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getSeconds().toString():datTime.getSeconds().toString(); $(this).val(datTime.getFullYear()+"-"+mon+"-"+d+" "+h+":"+m+":"+s); } else if($(this).attr("dateFmt") == "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") { var strTime = information[$(this).attr("name")]; var datTime = new Date(Date.parse(strTime.replace(/-/g, "/"))); var mon = datTime.getMonth().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+(datTime.getMonth()+1).toString():(datTime.getMonth()+1).toString(); var d = datTime.getDate().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getDate().toString():datTime.getDate().toString(); var h = datTime.getHours().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getHours().toString():datTime.getHours().toString(); var m = datTime.getMinutes().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getMinutes().toString():datTime.getMinutes().toString(); var s = datTime.getSeconds().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getSeconds().toString():datTime.getSeconds().toString(); $(this).val(datTime.getFullYear()+"-"+mon+"-"+d+" "+h+":"+m); } else if($(this).attr("dateFmt") == "yyyy-MM-dd") { var strTime = information[$(this).attr("name")]; var datTime = new Date(Date.parse(strTime.replace(/-/g, "/"))); var mon = datTime.getMonth().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+(datTime.getMonth()+1).toString():(datTime.getMonth()+1).toString(); var d = datTime.getDate().toString().length ==1 ? "0"+datTime.getDate().toString():datTime.getDate().toString(); $(this).val(datTime.getFullYear()+"-"+mon+"-"+d); } } else { $(this).val(information[$(this).attr("name")]); } } }); } // 不可编辑操作 function disabledFeild(_scope, fields) { $(_scope).each(function() { if (fields == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", true); } else if (fields[0] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", true); } else if (fields.contains($(this).attr("name")) || fields.contains($(this).attr("nativeChangeField"))) { $(this).attr("disabled", true); } }) } /** *

* Description:[设置页面不可编辑属性] *

* @param {} _scope * @param {} fields */ function disabledAttributes(_scope, fields) { if(fields.hasOwnProperty("unEditableFields")) { _scope.find('input,select,textarea').each(function() { var isDisabled = true; if (fields["unEditableFields"] == "all") { isDisabled = true; //$(this).attr("disabled", true); } else if (fields["unEditableFields"][0] == "all") { isDisabled = true; //$(this).attr("disabled", true); } else if (fields["unEditableFields"].contains($(this).attr("name"))) { isDisabled = true; } else if (fields["unEditableFields"].contains($(this).attr("numberboxname")) || fields["unEditableFields"].contains($(this).attr("comboname"))) { isDisabled = true; }else { isDisabled = false; } if(isDisabled) { var bgFlg = true; if($(this).hasClass("combo-value")) { var $ele = $(this).parent().prev(); if ($ele.attr("myType") == 'easyui-combobox' || $ele.hasClass("easyui-combobox")) { $ele.combobox('disable'); } else if ($ele.attr("myType") == 'easyui-combogrid' || $ele.hasClass("easyui-combogrid")) { $ele.combogrid('disable'); $ele.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { $ele.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } else if($(this).hasClass("easyui-numberbox")) { $(this).numberbox('disable'); } else if($(this).hasClass("easyui-datebox")) { $(this).datebox('disable'); } else if($(this).attr("myType") == 'easyui-combogrid') { $(this).combogrid('disable'); $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else if($(this).attr("type") == 'hidden') { // $(this).removeAttr("disabled"); } else { $(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } }); } if(fields.hasOwnProperty("unEditableButtons")) { _scope.find('a').each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("easyui-linkbutton")) { if (fields["unEditableButtons"] == "all") { $(this).hide(); } else if (fields["unEditableButtons"][0] == "all") { $(this).hide(); } else if (fields["unEditableButtons"].contains($(this).attr("id"))) { $(this).hide(); } } }); } } /** *

* Description:[设置页面可编辑属性] *

* @param {} _scope * @param {} fields */ function unDisabledAttributes(_scope, fields) { if(fields.hasOwnProperty("editableFields")) { _scope.find('input,select,textarea').each(function() { var isDisabled = true; if (fields["editableFields"] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } else if (fields["editableFields"][0] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } else if (fields["editableFields"].contains($(this).attr("name")) || fields["editableFields"].contains($(this).attr("nativeChangeField"))) { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } else { isDisabled = false; } if(isDisabled) { var bgFlg = true; if($(this).attr("tagName").toUpperCase() == 'TEXTAREA') { $(this).attr('readonly',false); $(this).next(".commentClass").attr("disabled", false); isDisabled = false; } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "suggestBox") { //$(this).next(".suggestbox-trigger-img").css("display", 'none'); $(this).next(".suggestbox-trigger-img").attr("disabled", false); } else if(isDisabled && $(this).attr("editType") == "container") { $(this).next().attr("disabled", false); } else if (isDisabled && $(this).hasClass("hasDatepicker")) { $(this).next(".time_img").unbind("click"); $(this).next(".time_img").attr("disabled",false); } else if($(this).attr("editType") == "simpleCheckbox") { bgFlg = false; } if(isDisabled) { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } if(bgFlg) { $(this).css('background',''); } } }); } if(fields.hasOwnProperty("editableButtons")) { _scope.find('button').each(function() { if (fields["editableButtons"] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } else if (fields["editableButtons"][0] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } else if (fields["editableButtons"].contains($(this).attr("name"))) { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } }); _scope.find('input[type=button]').each(function() { if (fields["editableButtons"] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } else if (fields["editableButtons"][0] == "all") { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } else if (fields["editableButtons"].contains($(this).attr("name"))) { $(this).attr("disabled", false); } }); } } /** * 添加备注浮层 * @param {} _field 绑定的textarea */ function addCommentDetail(_field) { $.Window.showWindow('addCommentDetailForCommentFormate', { intervalLoad : true, width : '310px', height : '40%', onRender : function(config, winId) {// set comment window's // z-index for over other // window $("#" + winId).find("#__jWin_mask-msg").css("z-index",90000); }, url : 'addCommentDetailForCommentFormate.action', params : { field : _field }, waitText : 'load...' }, function(data) { }); } function openCommonQueryPage(pageName, action, _params, width, height,fieldUseScope) { $.Window.showWindow(pageName, { intervalLoad : true, width : width, height : height, onRender : function(config, winId) {// set comment window's // z-index for over other // window $("#" + winId).find("#__jWin_mask-msg").css("z-index",90000); }, url : action, params : _params, waitText : 'load...' }, function(data) { _fieldUseScope = fieldUseScope; }); } /** *

* Description:[前台js浮点数-乘法] *

* @param {} arg1 * @param {} arg2 * @return {} */ function accMul(arg1,arg2){ var m=0,s1=arg1.toString(),s2=arg2.toString(); try{m+=s1.split(".")[1].length;}catch(e){} try{m+=s2.split(".")[1].length;}catch(e){} return Number(s1.replace(".",""))*Number(s2.replace(".",""))/Math.pow(10,m); } /** *

* Description:[前台js浮点数-除法] *

* @param {} arg1 * @param {} arg2 * @return {} */ function accDiv(arg1,arg2){ var t1=0,t2=0,r1,r2; try{t1=arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length}catch(e){} try{t2=arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length}catch(e){} with(Math){ r1=Number(arg1.toString().replace(".","")) r2=Number(arg2.toString().replace(".","")) return (r1/r2)*pow(10,t2-t1); } } /** *

* Description:[前台js浮点数-加法和减法] *

* @param {} arg1 * @param {} arg2 * @return {} */ function accAdd(arg1, arg2) { var r1, r2, m; try {r1 = arg1.toString().split(".")[1].length} catch (e) {r1 = 0} try {r2 = arg2.toString().split(".")[1].length} catch (e) {r2 = 0} m = Math.pow(10, Math.max(r1, r2)) return (arg1 * m + arg2 * m) / m; } /** *

* Description:[suggestBox附加信息填充] *

* * @param {} _data 选择SuggestBox行数据 * @param {} _scope 设值范围 * @param {} _mappingExtend 映射关系 */ function fillSuggestBoxExtraData(_data,_scope,_mappingExtend) { var _params = _data["params"]; if(typeof(_params) != 'undefined' && _params != null) { for(var _filed in _mappingExtend) { // 首先先清空之前的数据 $(_scope).find("input[name='"+_filed+"'],select[name='"+_filed+"'],textarea[name='"+_filed+"']").each( function() { if ($(this).attr("editType") == "suggestBox") { $(this).attr("hiddenValue", ""); $(this).val(""); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "dateTime") { fillFieldWithDateTime(this, ""); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "date") { fillFieldWithDate(this, ""); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "simpleCheckbox") { $(this).attr("checked", false); } else { $(this).val(""); } $(this).change(); } ); $(_scope).find("input[name='"+_filed+"'],select[name='"+_filed+"'],textarea[name='"+_filed+"']").each( function() { var __value__ = _params[_mappingExtend[_filed]]; if(typeof(__value__) == 'undefined' || __value__ == null || __value__== 'null') { __value__ = ""; } if($(this).attr("tagName").toUpperCase() == "SELECT" && !(typeof($(this).attr("defaultValue")) =="undefined" || $(this).attr("defaultValue") == null) && __value__ == "") { __value__ = $(this).attr("defaultValue"); } if ($(this).attr("editType") == "suggestBox") { $(this).attr("hiddenValue", __value__); $(this).val(_params[_mappingExtend[_filed + "_name"]]); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "dateTime") { fillFieldWithDateTime(this, __value__); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "date") { fillFieldWithDate(this, __value__); } else if ($(this).attr("editType") == "simpleCheckbox") { if (__value__ == 1 || __value__ == "1") { $(this).attr("checked", true); } else { $(this).attr("checked", false); } } else { $(this).val(__value__); } $(this).change(); } ); } } } /** * 比较开始时间和结束时间的大小。 * 如果有一个为空,不比较,并返回true。 * @param _scope * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @returns {Boolean} */ function compareDate(_scope,dateFrom,dateTo){ var fromV; var toV; var from = $(_scope).find("input[name="+dateFrom+"]"); var to = $(_scope).find("input[name="+dateTo+"]"); if (from.val() == null || from.val() == undefined || from.val() == null) { return true; }else{ fromV = from.val(); var hh = $(from).nextAll('.hh').val(); var mm = $(from).nextAll('.mm').val(); var ss = "00"; if (hh == null || hh == "") { hh = "00"; } if (mm == null || mm == "") { mm = "00"; } fromV = fromV + " "+hh+":"+mm+":"+ss; } if (to.val() == "" || to.val() == undefined || to.val() == null) { return true; }else{ toV = to.val(); var hh = $(to).nextAll('.hh').val(); var mm = $(to).nextAll('.mm').val(); var ss = "00"; if (hh == null || hh == "") { hh = "00"; } if (mm == null || mm == "") { mm = "00"; } toV = toV + " "+hh+":"+mm+":"+ss; } if(fromV > toV){ commonErrorPrompt(from.attr("promptName") + "不能大于" + to.attr("promptName")); return false; } return true; } /** * 比较开始时间和结束时间的大小。 * 如果有一个为空,不比较,并返回true。 * @param _scope * @param dateFrom * @param dateTo * @returns {Boolean} */ function compareNowDate(_scope,dateFrom,dateTo){ var fromV; var toV; var from = $(_scope).find("input[name="+dateFrom+"]"); var to = $(_scope).find("input[name="+dateTo+"]"); if (from.val() == null || from.val() == undefined || from.val() == null) { return true; }else{ fromV = from.val(); var hh = $(from).nextAll('.hh').val(); var mm = $(from).nextAll('.mm').val(); var ss = "00"; if (hh == null || hh == "") { hh = "00"; } if (mm == null || mm == "") { mm = "00"; } fromV = fromV + " "+hh+":"+mm+":"+ss; } if (to.val() == "" || to.val() == undefined || to.val() == null) { return true; }else{ toV = to.val(); var hh = $(to).nextAll('.hh').val(); var mm = $(to).nextAll('.mm').val(); var ss = "00"; if (hh == null || hh == "") { hh = "00"; } if (mm == null || mm == "") { mm = "00"; } toV = toV + " "+hh+":"+mm+":"+ss; } if(fromV > toV){ commonErrorPrompt(to.attr("promptName") + "不能小于" + from.attr("promptName")); return false; } return true; } /** * * @param _scope * @param dateFrom * @return */ function compareCurrentDate(_scope,dateFrom){ var fromV; var from = $(_scope).find("input[name="+dateFrom+"]"); if (from.val() == null || from.val() == undefined) { return true; }else{ fromV = from.val(); var hh = $(from).nextAll('.hh').val(); var mm = $(from).nextAll('.mm').val(); var ss = "00"; if (hh == null || hh == "") { hh = "00"; } if (mm == null || mm == "") { mm = "00"; } fromV = fromV + " "+hh+":"+mm+":"+ss; } var current = new Date(); //过滤统一时间,分钟格式 var month = current.getMonth()+1; var day = current.getDate(); if(month<10){ month = "0"+month; } if(day<10){ day="0"+day; } var l = current.getFullYear()+"-"+month+"-"+day+" "+current.getHours()+":"+current.getMinutes()+":"+current.getSeconds(); if(fromV= 10 ){ CurrentDate = CurrentDate + Month + "-"; }else{ CurrentDate = CurrentDate + "0" + Month + "-"; } if (Day >= 10 ){ CurrentDate = CurrentDate + Day ; }else{ CurrentDate = CurrentDate + "0" + Day ; } return CurrentDate; } /** * 自动click收放内容 */ function autoTRClick(array){ for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var rid = array[i]; $("#"+rid).click(); } } /** * tr信息收放 * @param rid * @return */ function toggerTR(obj){ var rid = $(obj).attr("id"); $("tr[name="+rid+"]").toggle(); }